Friday, June 2, 2017


What happened?

I look around and it's New Year's day 2017 and now, just like that, we are 6 months into the year.

We are now half way to 2018.

Half you accomplished at least HALF of what you said you were going to do on New Year's day?

I am not talking about resolutions. Well maybe I am but some of you set goals in place for the new year.

Was it your goal to be writing at least once a day. Was it your goal to start a new marketing plan?
Was it to blog more? Was it to read more books? Was it to try a new author every month? Was it to set up that website you were putting off?

What were your author goals for 2017?

If you haven't started them, it's not to late.

We still have half of the year to go.

Why not start now.

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