I survived major surgery on Feb. 26th and I survived a severely broken ankle, foot and leg on Feb. 18th.
I'd say I have no choice but to make the best out of the life I am living.
It seems as if I have been living a nightmare for the past year. Things have gone steadily downhill, in terms of my health.
But you know what?
I'm still here; making the best out of my life.
See I could have given up, thrown in the towel and just gotten so down on life that I could have been miserable.
Now, this is not to say that I didn't.
I had my bouts with depression.
I was on total bed rest for four (4) weeks. I had some really dedicated people in my life that shopped for me, brought me lunch and dinner and even bought my wine! They made me laugh and see how much they loved me.
I will never forgot them for making me see the sunshine when all I wanted to do was see clouds
So I started making the best of my situation.
I finished a novel! Yippee
I finished up my travel agent certification! Yippee
I even finished up my AA degree! Yippee.
It's amazing what you can do when you have time.
I made the best out of my life and now that I am able to get out of the house. (I'm still in a cast for another four weeks) I am living life to the best of my ability.
Are you?
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